Cancellation and refund policy

Cancellation and refund policy for courses offered by Collège Nordique Francophone.

What is the cancellation and refund policy?

If Collège Nordique cancels a course, the registration fee will be fully refunded to the student. 

If the student wishes to withdraw from a course, Collège Nordique must be notified by e-mail as soon as possible ( 

If the e-mail notifying of the withdrawal is received before the course registration deadline, the student may request either a full refund or a credit equal to the price of the course, usable for 1 year to register for another Collège Nordique course. 

If the cancellation e-mail is received after the registration deadline, no refund will be issued. However, if the cancellation e-mail is received before the start of the course, the student may request a credit equal to the price of the course, usable for 1 year to register for another Collège Nordique course. 

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